Programs I Offer


Be the Leader
Others Will Follow

Do others naturally follow you?  Are you and your team achieving the results you expect? Are you personally clear on what you want from your career as a leader... and do you know what you need to do to get your results and career to the next level?  If you answered yes to these questions, congratulations! If not, come learn the five steps to becoming the leader others will follow — one who’s on the road to achieving  extraordinary results.

Crush It in Your Career, Without It Crushing You

You gravitated to leadership because you’re a natural caregiver. You have a strong calling to serve others and make the world a better place. You’re achievement-oriented, have high expectations, and typically able to handle whatever comes your way. These are your superpowers! And yet, sometimes those superpowers can end up becoming your kryptonite. It doesn’t have to be this way. I can show you five steps to create more satisfaction …

Your Career

Do you find that the parts of your job that once excited and challenged you have become boring and same-old, same-old? Has your motivation and enthusiasm for your work taken a nosedive? Do you feel restless, hungry for something else but not really sure what that could be? You may be experiencing a mid-career crisis. I will show you how to take your career from a slump to a path to a future that thrills you in every way!